Friday, April 29, 2011

Easy way to lock your desktop pc are laptop

Hello People! Today we are going to  see how to lock your pc desktop are laptop in shortcut method.
First Right click your desktop-> select new->new shortcut -> the shortcut wizard is open.And type the Following  key without quote" rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation" click enter and type the name to lock your desktop " LockWrokStation" without quote (or) choose your own name to lock the desktop.
And try another one plus function key and letter "L" without quote.Dont  run  your computer while u going out . if u put the lock workstation .other person cannot able to use your pc..

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How to use snipping tool in windows 7

 Today we going to see how to use snipping tool in windows 7 Go to start-> type snipping tool .In the snipping tool we can able to cut the desktop picture and icon. It can be able to cut  and seperate many  form of view ,like . free form view, rectangle view, windows view and full-form view.

                                               FREE FORM VIEW
 It is use to draw a line and cut the picture in your desktop

                                                RECTANGULAR VIEW 
In this we can able to cut with rectangular box
                                              WINDOWS VIEW
In the windows view we can able cut the full  picture and icon of your desktop.
                                              FULL-FORM VIEW
In the full from view we can able to cut the picture and icon like windows view.
Thank U!!